September 12, 2017

The Submission Room Live Event September 30th 2017

The Submission Room Live Event September 30th 2017 It’s that time to welcome you back to The Submission Room’s 8th Live Wrestling Event. As some of […]
May 25, 2017

The Submission Room Live Summer Wrestling Event JUNE 17th 2017

The Important Details: JUNE 17th -To book your place email me at (I prefer to have a rough idea of who is coming in advance) […]
March 29, 2016

The Submission Room Spring Event APRIL 23RD 1pm 2016

Hello all, I hope you are getting as excited as I am for The Submission Room’s third ever Live Wrestling Event. We have a fantastic venue […]
February 13, 2016

Photo feature and Videos for sale from our Christmas Live Event

Thank you all very much for joining and supporting The Submission Room’s second live event. I thought the first one went well, the second one surpassed […]
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