The Submission Room – London Mixed Session Wrestling Venue – Guest Wrestlers


GUEST WRESTLERS – check here for details of future guest wrestlers



Nemisis: May 31st from 2.30pm and morning of June 1st 2024

I am an experienced martial artist with a strong athletic build. I have good knowledge of different chokes, submissions and pins and can apply them with as much (or little) pressure as you can take or until you fall asleep in my arms. I’m also a purple belt in jiujitsu.

  • Height: 5’7″
  • Weight: 72kg
  • Interests: I offer competitive / semi competitive / beatdowns / ballbusting / foot domination / fantasy(some) sessions.
  • Price per hour: £230




Jolene “The Valkyrie” Hexx: June 14-18th 2024

A very exciting guest wrestler coming from Las Vegas, not only to take part in our June 15th Live Wrestling Event, but also to offer sessions and shoot custom videos. Jolene will have limited session slots as she wants to prioritise filming. So please get in touch with your custom video idea and we can make it happen.

  • Height: 5’8″
  • Weight: 61kg
  • Interests: Semi comp, fantasy, lift and carry, tickling,
  • Price per hour: £450

Top 13 Reasons To Session with me

13. Because Hexx rhymes with wrecks.
12. Because I’ll let you pet … the LFC title belts.
11. Because I love getting in to character, feel free to suggest an Amber vs Johnny Depp role-play
10. Because you can’t scissor yourself.
9. I have better sessions with guys who are playfully competitive. So if you’ve got a little game, bring it on!
8. Have you seen my outfits? I should be charging admission for a virtual tour of my closet. Seriously.
7. Because if you behave and ask nice I MIGHT let your girlfriend have her photo taken with the belt. Might.
6. Because ribs heal; regrets don’t.
5. Because, for a price, I can bring a fabulous fight friend. Ever been double teamed?
4. Because it’s more fun than losing to your sister. And it makes for a WAY better story. And, no, I don’t want to hear about you losing to your sister.
3. Because I’ll virtually knock your socks off – or just sexily slide off mine. #footetish
2. Because I’m more than an amusement park inside a bouncy castle!
1. Because it’s great Hexx-ercise!!

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